Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Looking out my office window I see snow falling, and it started coming down just about the time it was predicted to in downtown Paducah.

The same could not be said about the raging storm that hit the region on Monday. Most meteorologists, including WPSD-TV's Jennifer Rukavina, missed that one. People were not happy. In fact, the angry comments toward Rukavina on some social networking sites would make you think she failed to predict the end of time.

With all the computers, satellite receivers, and models to guide them, meteorologists still practice a non-exact science. In fact, simply by its nature, science is not exact. Room is always left in theory for unknowns, such as human error and changing conditions.

Rukavina apologized to WPSD viewers on Monday for getting the forecast wrong. This is something she did not have to do. And she should be applauded for humbly offering herself up as the buffer against people's frustrations.

No love is lost between our newsrooms: the Sun's and WPSD's. We are very competitive. But I rely on many sources of news and information to help guide my life each day, and one of those is Rukavina's Weather Authority team at WPSD.

So Jennifer, from me to you, just chalk up Monday's forecast fiasco in the loss column and know that you are still batting well over .900 with your spot on weather reporting.

Thanks for all you do.

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